THRUST is an innovative student project based in Padua. We are a group of university students with the goal of establishing a strong experimental rocketry initiative. Founded in 2020, THRUST is currently the only university project in the Italian NorthEast region dedicated to sounding rocketry. Our first technological achievement is the SFR I, a hybrid propulsion sounding rocket designed to transport 3 Cansats to a height of 1 km. In addition, our team is actively working on all other aspects related to the space segment, including the development of a launch pad, ground station, and test facilities.
THRUST recognizes the significance of continuous learning and skill development, alongside its technical objectives. The team prioritizes expanding the capabilities and knowledge of its members within the field of engineering. This unique approach facilitates interaction among team members who share a common background in engineering but possess diverse skill sets. By immersing themselves in an engineering environment and collaborating with individuals who bring varied expertise, the members of THRUST are able to enhance their skills and broaden their understanding of the field.
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