Without communication to the ground station, a test flight wouldn’t be very interesting. The electronics team’s job is to ensure the communication between the ground segment and the flight segment and to download all the data from SFR I. That is the reason why the electronics team is very important for THRUST. The avionics controls the performance and the data from the most critical parts of SFR I, it activates the abort process both on the ground and during the flight. The main activities conducted by the electronics team are:

  • Designing and evaluating the avionics subsystem
  • Designing the measuring circuit for the testing and flight phase
  • Coding the communication software
  • Designing the ground station
  • Managing the communication between the space and the ground segment
  • Implementing the payload technologies

The electronics team uses STM32CubeIDE and EasyDea as tools for designing the microcontroller.

While working in the Electronics team the skills that can be acquired are many, from the coding aspect and the implementation of an on-board circuit to the management of the telecommunications and data system.