“First rule of management: everything is your fault.

Management plays a crucial role in any project as it brings together various disciplines and ensures effective coordination. With the responsibility to oversee both technical and non-technical aspects of a project, management ensures that teams are aligned with the established requirements and objectives. By providing guidance and support, they create an environment where teams can work cohesively towards the project's success. Their expertise in organizing resources, setting priorities, and resolving conflicts enables them to optimize productivity and achieve desired outcomes. Effective management fosters collaboration, communication, and a shared vision among team members. It ensures that everyone is on the same page, working towards a common goal, and contributes to the overall success of the project. Being part of management in a rocket team means:

  • Optimizing the work-packages (WP) flow from the designation to the conclusion of the work
  • Promoting the communication between the teams and making the interface events among different subsystems easier
  • Managing all of THRUST’s events and presentations and preparing all the graphics work
  • Defining short- and long-term goals for THRUST by updating the schedular
  • Manging the project budget and all the purchases
  • Compiling all of THRUST's non-technical documentation
  • Supervising the work flow in every subteam
  • Managing the social media profile and creating content for the followers

Designing a sounding rocket requires a high level of expertise and precision, making it a challenging task. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid any unnecessary waste of time. In order to ensure the success and growth of the team, it is essential to establish a friendly and dynamic environment. A cohesive team is vital for achieving efficiency in our work. To facilitate collaboration and document sharing, we utilize GitHub as our software of choice. For checking the workflow and sharing work packages (WPs), ClickUp is the platform we rely on. Joining the management team only requires a willingness to work with others and a commitment to be involved in every aspect of the project.