"After all what is a rocket if not a tin can that produces a nuclear reactor’s energy?”


The propulsion team plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the spacecraft as they are responsible for the propulsion subsystem. It is no surprise that this team is the second largest, given the complexity and importance of their tasks. Their main objective is to design, develop, and test the entire propulsion system, which includes various components ranging from the tank to the combustion chamber and from the interstage to the nozzle. This requires a comprehensive understanding of propulsion principles and engineering expertise. The team works diligently to ensure that the propulsion system operates efficiently and effectively, ultimately contributing to the success of the spacecraft mission. More precisely they :

  • Establish and try to maximize performance parameters for the mission’s requirements
  • Design solutions for the tank, interstage, combustion chamber and the nozzle
  • Implement the model for the gas evolution on the fluidic
  • Manufacture each element and validate models during the test campaign
  • Verify all the safety issues linked to the propulsion system and hazardous situations

Propulsion is a critical team responsible for addressing the challenge of achieving greater heights and increasing efficiency. Their focus is on finding ways to reduce mass while increasing speed. The propulsion system plays a pivotal role in the success of a space program, as without it, missions would fail..

In particular, hybrid technology is still an experimental subject so the propulsion team has to deal with serious challenges which make this game so much more interesting.