“A nominal flight is nothing more than a successful test”

Testing the propulsion system involves several different tests to ensure its functionality and safety. This includes pressure testing the flight valve and tank to the expected operating pressure, as well as conducting burst tests and hot fire tests. Additionally, the team is currently in the process of designing a test bench for the combustion chamber and working on the ignition system of the motor. They are also designing a station for producing the wax grains. In terms of the recovery system, the team is focusing on the design and testing of the ejection system. The main objective of the recovery system test is to verify the successful extraction and deployment of both the drogue and main parachute. Looking ahead, there are plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the entire system by dropping it from a drone.

Testing rocket components is a crucial step in ensuring the success of the mission. Our team collaborates closely with other subteams to meticulously test each and every component of the rocket. From the motor to the recovery system and the electronics, no aspect is overlooked. Through rigorous testing, we aim to identify any potential issues or flaws that may arise during the mission. This allows us to make necessary improvements and adjustments to ensure the rocket's optimal performance and reliability. Our commitment to thorough testing plays a vital role in the overall success and safety of our missions.

Testing the propulsion system involves several different tests to ensure its functionality and safety. This includes pressure testing the flight valve and tank to the expected operating pressure, as well as conducting burst tests and hot fire tests. Additionally, the team is currently in the process of designing a test bench for the combustion chamber and working on the ignition system of the motor.